Woodlands are actively managed for several reasons; these include maximising the yield of economically important products such as timber and game, as well as for conservation and biodiversity. Recreational access is also becoming increasingly important.
Where woodlands are multipurpose, conflicting management options can often arise.
Native woodlands in Britain were traditionally managed to provide a continuous source of wood for firewood and structural materials. Animal diversity is to a great degree controlled by plant diversity; this is because the plants generally provide the architecture and structure of habitat, as well as being the basis of food chains.
Plant diversity in woodlands can be encouraged by making sure there are a variety of light levels within a woodland, from deep shade to open glades. Planting a variety of native trees will also enhance animal diversity because native trees support many invertebrate species. Wildlife conservation and environmental protection should concern us all.
New Horizon Horticultural services can help you to manage your woodland to your specific requirements. We can create natural habitats encouraging flora and fauna to thrive.